
New Music Friday #9 : Pillars of Truth by Murray Kyle

New Music Friday #9 : Pillars of Truth by Murray Kyle

In this ninth episode of our HeartFire New Music Friday we put new music releases in the spotlights. Music of artists we support and organize concerts for in The Netherlands. Today we feature one new album release ‘Pillars of Truth’ by Murray Kyle. Discover new music, happy listening!

Murray Kyle Live in Amsterdam 13 July 13th

Murray Kyle :: Pillars of Thruth

The new release from mystic shamanic troubadour Murray Kyle. After three singles released since last January, now the full album sees the light. We’re looking forward to his concert on July 13th.

“Where did it begin and where does it end? Ten songs, countless moments crafted over hundreds of hours in the studio, lifetimes in the making! It’s a strange paradox these days, bringing an album to life. Like all of creation it starts with a tiny seed, a phrase, a melody, a memory, a rhythm or a vista in the heart, and these days it eventually becomes a few tiny audio files on a flash drive, ready to fly out into the world.

Along the way, songs are written, production envisioned, the textures and climates of the pieces start to come to life. Over time they teach me how to bring them to life…. Following the energy, like tracking pathways of migration on the soundwaves…. always leading towards HOME.

Trusting that telling my story is telling the story of life…. knowing that these little drops of sonic water are a beautiful part of the ocean of humanity that we share, and hoping…. that these songs can be breadcrumbs along the way…. lifting the weary spirits… lifting my weary spirit…. beckoning all towards the mountain of the one heart fire.
So much gratitude to the incredible musicians who brought their magic into these songs 🙏🏼
And so….. here it is, my new album entitled Pillars Of Truth.

This music is not obvious… in fact it is easily missed when our soundwaves are saturated with the hard hitting pop culture anthems of heartbreak and the highlife. So when you have a window, or a longer drive, slide these songs into your playlist and join me on the journey of harkening our human design forward into balance and right relationship.”

Murray Kyle

This new album is also available on Bandcamp. As always if you would like to support the artist directly, buy the album on Bandcamp.

Murray Kyle – Live in Amsterdam :: 13 July 2023 @Zonnehuis

On July 13th Murray Kyle will give a concert in the beautiful art-deco Zonnehuis in Amsterdam. Look for more info on the concert here or find tickets here. Tickets launch Saturday April 8th, 10.00AM (CET).

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