NEW Concert :: EXTRA Nessi Gomes concert on July 5th – Ticketsales has started
We’re very proud to announce an extra, second, concert in Amsterdam for the wonderful Nessi Gomes and her beautiful music, also in the beautiful Dominicuskerk Amsterdam. Her concert on June 30th (in the Dominicuskerk in Amsterdam) is now almost sold out.
Her music is a quest of art, love and trust. It fulfils Nessi’s wish to deeply touch and shake the audience, to stir and shift something within them, to speak of the uncomfortable so that it may pass, and to expose and sing the human experience to its fullest expression.
We’re also proud to present Dutch singer/songwriter DINA as support opening for this concert on July 6th. Before the ‘C’ we started adding support openings to our concerts and we like to continue this starting tradition and present DINA for the first time to a bigger audience.
We like to invite to an evening of authentic and heartfelt songs in search for light, depth, hope and truth.
More info and tickets are available on our website, here. or check the Facebook event and share it with your friends, here.
Ticketsales has started, here.